Gamifying Crypto: Using Technology to Drive User Engagement
When I began writing this blog, I knew it would revolve around facilitating user accessibility and engagement in the crypto industry. As I started writing it up, I realized that all of my ideas came to the same conclusion: no matter how many informative tutorials and articles are out there, most potential crypto users are intimidated by a bulk of complex jargon and various processes happening in the industry all the time. Therefore, the best way to introduce them to this world is to start with something familiar, and, well, engaging. And the most consistent trend that I’ve been seeing on the market is gamification. So let’s talk about that phenomenon.
Why Gamification Matters in Crypto
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed the rise of play-to-earn games - particularly of the Telegram variety. Simple in both their design and use, they manage to engage thousands and even millions of people all around the world. But why is that? Well, to put it simply, while games are competitive, they are still far less intimidating than unfiltered crypto information. Familiar and accessible, they represent a stepping stone from something easy, and exciting to something more intimidating. But even that’s not all - one of the most important things about gamification is the fact that since it’s engaging, it obviously involves a lot of personal input. Even before anyone risks entrusting any actual asset to your exchange, users give you their other valuable resource - their time. As such, the more time and energy they have spent succeeding in your game, the more emotionally invested they will be in the success of the project.
Case Study of Gamified Crypto with Nordom
While the Nordom team was discussing what would be the best precursor to our exchange, it was the tap-to-earn game format that quickly caught on. We realized there was a lot of potential in it and that there was hardly a better way to build up our audience prior to the exchange launch. That’s how we developed Nordom Gates, a simple game that revolves around guessing which of the three doors is hiding a reward. Apart from trying to make the game as visually pleasing and engaging as possible, we also concentrated on building up a community on multiple platforms, rather than focusing solely on Telegram. As a result, we have nearly 6 million active players on Telegram alone.
Dealing with Possible Long-Term Challenges
In this segment, I’m going to switch back the focus to crypto games in general since we have developed a strategy that minimizes any of these risks for Nordom. But here are a few tips to take into account that I can share with you. For one, there are many projects that succeed at short-term engagement but fail to transform it into long-term relationships. These games are just, forgive the pun, a gateway - the core thing is to hold that engagement once you have user attention. Then there’s the question of accessibility. Gamified platforms need to ensure that they’re not just targeting people who’ve already dabbled in crypto but also reaching those who are completely new to the space. Simplicity is truly key here, both visual and verbal. With enough focus and the right strategy, these challenges won’t be impossible to overcome though.